June 9, 2023

PP4 Assessment Release on Parent Portal

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Since the February half-term, our YR1 cohort have had the opportunity to complete a number of subject assessments. From these assessments students are awarded a RAG mark/rating to represent their progress in each subject. The college uses a Red, Amber or Green rating to indicate whether our students are on track to achieving or exceeding, slightly below or significantly below their Minimum Expected Grade (MEG) in each subject area. The most recent RAG ratings for this academic year (Progress Point 4 Assessments – PP4) are now available for parents to view in the Achievement & Reviews tab of Parent Portal. For further information on how to access parent portal please visit News for Parents and Guardians – Wyke 6th Form College.Attention now turns to preparation for the Year 1 summer assessments (25th April – 29th April) and external May/June exams. Further assessments and examination information will be posted on the News for Parents and Guardians page shortly.

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