First Year Induction 2024
Welcome to Wyke
We are all looking forward to welcoming our new first year students on Thursday 5
th September. Please arrive on-campus for 8.45am so that you can be guided to your meet and greet room for a 9.00am start.
In your meet and greet you will be given a
Wyke Welcome Booklet, your lanyard and timetable. During this session we will also update you on campus safety,
additional learning support,
transport and
safeguarding. Lessons are scheduled to start at 9.30am, so please be equipped to learn with pens, paper and a folder.
All your subjects will be collecting in the
summer work that was set at Wyke Start. Make sure it’s complete and to your best ability. Thursday and Friday of this week are exclusively set aside for first years to allow time for you to settle in and orientate yourself across the campus. We appreciate that many of you will be nervous, but don’t worry all our staff are here to help and we guarantee that you will make new friends. Get ready for an exciting two years!
Download the Wyke Welcome Booklet
Starting college
At Wyke, we have high expectations for all our students, and we support our students to meet these expectations. Please do let us know if there are any specific areas of support, or any further information that we need to know about your child.
We hope that your young person achieves the examination results that they have worked so hard for. If these don’t turn out as hoped, do not worry, we will be able to discuss the options available during the enrolment interview. It Is not uncommon for students to return later in the week for further advice and guidance.
Hopefully you have received lots of guidance about course choices through open events, the interview and Wyke Start but please do keep referring to the College website for the most up to date details on our courses
enrolment process
The enrolment process consists of several stages:
· Results processing where we confirm the exam results your young person has uploaded to the applicant portal – this information is used to ensure that we enrol students on the right level of course. Please ensure that you bring confirmation of your results with you (either the printout or email from your school).
· Any additional learning needs – we will discuss with all applicants about any additional needs that they may have.
· Study programme counselling – a member of staff will look at the applicant’s plans and discuss if the combination of subjects and enrichments applied for are the best possible combination. Other subject staff may be called in to help with the decision at this point.
· College support processes where information about transport, learning support, financial support etc. is available.
Applicants need to be aware that, whilst the college does offer subsidised transport options for our students, we cannot guarantee that there will be places available on our transport for all students. Students are eligible for publicly funded courses if they meet the ESFA funding criteria. If we need to see any additional evidence to verify this, we will write to you separately. If you are asked to bring additional evidence, please ensure that it is brought to enrolment to avoid delays in the enrolment process.
enrolment checklist
You will need the following.
Examination results
Results sheet and exam results slip(s), including any exams taken early especially if they are English or Maths qualifications. Without results slips we will not be able to complete the enrolment at the appointed time (either the printout or email from your school). Remember, applicants for Music courses need to include Music certificates for Instrument/Voice/Theory.
Support evidence
Evidence to support any support arrangements or extra time that you have had in exams previously if applicable.
Residency evidence if required
If you need to provide additional residency evidence to confirm that you are eligible for publicly funded courses, we will write to you separately and you must bring this to your enrolment appointment.
A pen and note pad
Enrolment involves communicating a lot of information. This may be information that is very specific to you. To avoid any misunderstandings, bring a pen and note pad to write down this information.
parent pay
The College is a cashless site and operates an e-payment system to pay for specialist equipment, trips and all other College expenditure/activities. This can be done online using a secure website called ParentPay.
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You have a secure online account, activated using a unique set of activation codes. You will be prompted to change these and create your own secure Username and Password for future logins. Your individual account activation codes will be sent to you following your young person’s enrolment.
Summer Work
Portal, Summer work and Enrolment deadlines
Confirm your subject priority order Midnight Sunday 7th July
Place your subjects in priority order on the Applicant Portal. You will need to list 4 subjects in order although you will most likely take 3 of these subjects. This will allow us to plan your timetable for September.
Complete your Wyke Start Summer Work Thursday 5th September
Each of your subjects will set you compulsory Summer Work to complete over the holidays to help you prepare for your courses. Complete this to the best of your ability and bring it along on your first day at Wyke. This will go live following Wyke Start and is available on the
Wyke Start Summer Work page.
GCSE Results Day Thursday 22nd August
Upload your GCSE Results to the Applicant Portal Midnight Sunday 25th August
We wish you the best of luck on GCSE results day. There will be lots of advice and guidanceon our website and social media channels on the day. As soon as youhave your GCSE results, please upload these to the Applicant Portal.
Attend your enrolment appointment Tuesday 27th August - Friday 30th August
At your enrolment appointment, we will firm up your course choices, enrichment package and any additional support needs that you may have. It is also a great opportunity to ask any further questions.
Welcome to Wyke Thursday 5th September
Your first day as a Wyke student will be Thursday 5th September. Don’t forget to bring your Summer Work. We can’t wait for you to join us.
travelling to wyke
Details of how to get to Wyke are available at: Travelling to Wyke
On this page you will find a service finder, timetable details, and Google maps displaying the routes.
Applicants need to be aware that, whilst the college does offer subsidised transport options for our students, we cannot guarantee that there will be places available on our transport for all students.
Financial Support
Wherever possible, the College will seek to provide financial assistance to those most in need to enable a student to continue and complete their programme of study. Students who qualify for our College Bursary Fund (by completing a financial support application and providing supporting evidence) can request assistance with a college travel pass, meal allowance, books, essential equipment (e.g., sports kit, USB, calculator, headphones), re-sit fees, UCAS entrance fees and trips/visits that are an essential part of the subject curriculum.
All support is dependent on the type of award you qualify for, but the College will also consider individual circumstances when making the award, for example, whether the student receives guaranteed free meals, whether the young person lives in a single parent household, or if there are other children or young people living in the household. Students will be expected to maintain an acceptable level of behaviour and attendance to access financial support.
To apply for financial support through the College bursary or free school meals you will need to complete an application form. Please visit the website at or email
Application forms are available to download from our website; these must be completed and submitted by 31 July 2024 along with the correct supporting evidence in order to be assessed before the start of term. We will endeavour to process applications submitted after this date as quickly as possible.
The Wyke Support Fund is a further way in which the college supports all students to be able to access their education. The Fund is made up of voluntary donations by parents and staff. The funds are used to ensure that students in financial difficulty have access to the equipment they need, can access events such as trips and speakers that will significantly improve their education and get help to attend activities supporting their next steps such as university open events.
This support fund is potentially available for those students that are not eligible for the College bursary, those who need financial support with something to support their education that is outside the scope of the bursary, or those who are in significant financial difficulty. Students can apply for support from the support fund by emailing and providing full details of their circumstances and the financial support that is required.
The Wyke Sixth Form College support fund has made a significant difference to the lives of many students since its creation in 2015, this has only been made possible by the generous contributions from parents and staff. It would be amazing if you felt able to support this fund and we will be taking voluntary contributions following enrolment. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
A small number of subjects will be conducting assessments during the Wyke Start lessons and the outcomes of these assessments will be considered alongside GCSE results at enrolment. If you have selected any of these courses for Wyke Start, please use the links below to check what information you need to be aware of for the event or if you are unable to attend the event.
Dance Wyke Start Letter
Dance Non-Attendee Wyke Start Letter
Drama Wyke Start Letter
Performing Arts Wyke Start Letter
Drama / Performing Arts Non-Attendee Wyke Start Letter
A Level Music Wyke Start Letter
Art & Design Wyke Start Letter
At Wyke Start, each of your subjects set you compulsory summer work to complete over the holidays to help you prepare for your courses in September. If you were unable to attend Wyke Start, you are still required to complete this work.
Please complete this to the best of your ability and bring it along on your first day at Wyke, Thursday 5th September. Visit the Wyke Start Summer Work page to download your assignments and tasks. You can complete summer work online and print this off or you can complete the questions by hand and bring this on your first day.
Please note that some subjects have provided more than one resource.