Financial Support

16-19 Bursary Fund

The Government’s 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education. This is available for students who live in a household with a total annual gross income of £36,000 a year or less.

Students eligible for the Discretionary 16-19 Bursary funding can choose to receive either a college travel pass for transport into college and/or a daily meals allowance of a minimum of £4 during term time depending on family income. As far as possible, we try to provide items designated as essential for each course automatically through ParentPay. Additional assistance can also be requested and is subject to an individual assessment and the amount of funding the College has available and can be provided for items such as: books, equipment, re-sit fees, UCAS entrance fees and essential educational visits(part of subject curriculum).

Financial support applications for students who are starting or continuing at Wyke Sixth Form College in September 2024 will open from 3 June 2024. If you are a current student already in receipt of financial support, you need to reapply each year. Travel passes and meal allowances will only be in place for applications received by 31 July 2024 with the correct supporting evidence and assessed as successful these will be processed for the start of the academic term. Applications are open the full year but those received after the 31 July 2024 cannot be guaranteed to be in place for the start of term.

Please refer to our Financial Support Policy Statement

The 2024-2025 Financial Support Application form, Support Declaration and Support Guidance

Financial Support Application Form

Financial Support Declaration Form

To make sure you complete your application correctly and supply all the correct information, please read our Financial Support Guidance leaflet.

Applications and evidence should be emailed to

The application form should be completed electronically and attached to an email, if possible, along with scans /photographs of evidence. Applications can also be handed in at the main reception or mailed to Wyke Sixth Form College. If you are submitting original documents, please include a note requesting these to be returned if needed.

Wyke Sixth Form College Support Fund

The Wyke financial support fund is a further way in which the college supports all students to be able to access their education. The Fund is made up of voluntary donations by parents and staff. The funds are used to ensure that students in financial difficulty have access to the equipment they need, can access help towards auditions, conservatoire and entry exams that will significantly improve their education and get help to attend activities supporting their next steps such as university open events. If you are not eligible for the College bursary, need financial support with something to support your education that is outside the scope of the bursary, or are in significant financial difficulty, you can apply for support from the support fund by emailing with full details of your circumstances and the financial support that is required. We will then be able to assess if the support fund can support you.


The College operates an e-payment system to pay for trips, meals, and all other College activities. This can be done online using a secure website called ParentPay which offers the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You have a secure online account, activated using a unique set of activation codes. You will be prompted to change these and create your own secure Username and Password for future logins. If you have two or more children at the College, you can merge their accounts once logged in. Activation codes and further information will be provided at enrolment.

All students who are in receipt of any of the16 – 19 Bursary awards must activate their ParentPay account to ensure that they receive all the support.

Wyke Sixth Form College operates a cashless catering system and students will register their ID card to be able to access this.

Eligibility for Free Tuition

College is free for learners who have been legally resident in the UK for the last 3 years and are aged 16,17 or 18 on 31August in the calendar year when a programme of study commences. Such learners do not have to pay tuition fees if they become 19 during that programme.

Students aged between 19 and under 23 and commencing their first full level 3 qualification may be eligible for free tuition. Further details are available from the Finance Office. Any additional expenses relating to specific courses will be notified at enrolment. The College will pay all initial exam fees, but students may be required to pay for any retakes. However, if a student fails to attend the set exam date and has not submitted a medical note, a bill for examination fees will be sent to you.

16-19 tuition fund

16-19 Tuition Fund was founded in September 2020 when the Government, through the Education and Skills Funding Agency, made available additional financial support for schools, colleges and other 16 to 19 providers to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from COVID-19.

The funding is being provided to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, Maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted. Wyke has been allocated a proportion of this funding for the 2023/24 academic year. The College will be utilising these funds to deliver two streams of support. Targeted small group sessions in English, Maths and selected vocational programmes will be delivered through the Additional Learning Support (ALS) team, and subject specific catch-up sessions will be offered through the curriculum for eligible students. Groups would usually be a maximum of 5 students. Where the tuition is in respect of English and Maths, priority will be given to those students who had not achieved a GCSE grade 5 in those subjects. Where the extra support and tuition is in respect of other subject areas the students supported will be those that students where their academic progress has been significantly impacted by the pandemic.

All staff involved in the delivery of this support will have regard to the needs of students with special educational needs (SEND), particularly where they have experienced additional disruption to learning as a result of their specific needs and disabilities. All students given this additional support will work towards agreed targets with regular reviews to track, monitor, review, and evidence all the work undertaken which has been supported by these additional funds and the impact this additional support has had on outcomes.

This additional support will be above and beyond the planned programme of education for 2023/24. From 31 July 2024 the tuition fund will no longer be available.