In a vibrant celebration of International Women's Day 2025,over 200 students and staff at Wyke Sixth Form College gathered in the atrium for a flash mob, dancing to the ABBA classic "Dancing Queen. "Principal Julie Peaks led the line, marking a day filled with fun and meaningful activities.
"Seeing so many students eager to join the flash mob was truly inspiring. With just 10 minutes to rehearse, their enthusiasm and support were incredible. It's a fantastic way to celebrate International Women's Day at Wyke, bringing our community together to raise funds for our chosen charity," said Principal Julie Peaks.
"This is a day to recognise the incredible achievements of women in society and in our own lives—those who inspire, lead, and shape the world around us. It’s a day to reflect on the progress made and the journey ahead, celebrating the strength, resilience, and impact of women everywhere," added coordinating tutor Katy Burgess.
Wyke will officially celebrate International Women's Day on Monday, 10 March, with a series of events aimed at raising £1000 for "Women for Women," an international charity supporting women affected by war. The day's activities will include glitter artists, a clothes swap stall, and a variety of cakes and confectionery baked by students. Additionally, a statement board will be set up to honour and commemorate inspirational women.
Central to the day's events is the College enrichment group "Women Today," which will be actively recruiting new members. "Women Today" provides a safe space for young people to discuss issues affecting women and girls, share experiences, debate topical events and theories, host guest speakers, and offer reading materials and a support network. Topics of discussion include periods, consent and power, intersectional feminism, and the authority gap. The group is inclusive and welcomes all students to join.