June 8, 2023

The Magnificent 27

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We are delighted to announce that so far, 27 Wyke students have interviews for Oxford and Cambridge for entry onto subjects including Law, Linguistics and Medicine. We also have a number of students waiting to hear back.The 27 successful applicants previously attended 13 different schools across Hull, East Riding and North Lincolnshire including; Winifred Holtby Academy, Baysgarth School, St. Mary's College and Beverley Longcroft.Applying to Oxbridge requires a lot of research, hard work and commitment from the outset and we would therefore like to say well done to all students who made an application.Paul Hamer, Head of A Level Law and Oxbridge Co-Ordinator at Wyke said; “I’m amazed at the number of our students who came to us from a wide range of secondary schools who have got Oxbridge interviews. It is a testament to the hard work of both the students and staff here at the college.All of the staff at Wyke wish the students the very best of luck in their Oxbridge interviews and we would also like to say well done to all students who took part in this process.”#MakeItHappen

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