June 8, 2023

Sleep Deprivation, Blisters and Waves

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Former Wyke student, Miriam Payne, is planning a record-breaking year in 2022.

After studying A Level Physics, Maths and Further Maths at Wyke, as well as taking part in the Netball team and a successful summit up Mount. Kilimanjaro, Miriam is now studying for a degree in Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Glasgow.

Miriam said, “At university I’m part of the Boat Club’s high-performance squad. Together, with one of boat club friends, I’m entered in the “Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2022”. This is a journey which will see us row 3000 miles across to Atlantic Ocean, from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua.

During the race, we will row in shifts of 2 hours on and 2 hours off, rotating between the two of us. As the race is classed as unassisted, we will have to carry everything we need for the crossing from the beginning. We cannot accept any supplies and we must learn how to work/fix all the electrical equipment on board. We will battle seasickness, sleep deprivation, blisters and waves of up to 30ft.

We are aiming to become the youngest and fastest female pair to row any ocean, aiming to complete the challenge in under 50 days. And that’s just the race. In the lead up to the race we need to find a lot of corporate sponsorship to enable us to buy a boat and the equipment we need as well as aiming to raise around £100,000 for charity. Our charities are ‘Mind’ and ‘Wellbeing of Women’."

To help Miriam achieve her goal, break the record and back her charities, follow her on Instagram @seastheday2022

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