June 8, 2023

Preparing for Wyke: Transition Work

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As we are currently unable to confirm our traditional Wyke Start taster event, on Wednesday June 3rd, Wyke will be launching transition work for year 11 applicants.Each subject will be providing a number of assignments to help guide you towards starting Wyke in September. These assignments will be designed to support your understanding of your selected study programme, to make you feel comfortable with the subject themes and curriculum topics.Although the work will not be assessed and graded, or inhibit your enrolment at college, we would encourage you to complete the work for your selected subjects before enrolling to Wyke in September. It may be used to support your enrolment if you are slightly under the required criteria.The work will be made available through our main website and publicised through our social media channels at the beginning of June, just after half-term. We will also send you another email nearer the date, with a link to our website page.If you need any more help or guidance, please contact office@wyke.ac.uk and they will direct your email to the relevant member of staff.Stay safe, enjoy learning about your new subjects and we look forward to welcoming you to Wyke in September.

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