June 8, 2023

Photography Exhibition

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In 2021, our annual art and design exhibition went online, bringing together examples of outstanding work from our A level Fine, Graphics and Photography students, as well as work from our post-16 foundation course.Each student is represented by one piece of work, accompanied with a short supporting statement and details of their post-Wyke destination. Many of our second years have elected to continue their studies at Wyke by enrolling onto our Art & Design Foundation course, a full-time programme specifically designed to build a portfolio for the most competitive art schools. The results speak for themselves, with students like Lin Chen gaining a place at Central St Martins, often regarded as the best art school in the world, to study graphic communication.When you get the opportunity to visit our campus, you’ll see that there are paintings, illustrations, photographs and designs, all around the College, demonstrating the quality of work produced.To explore our online exhibition visit https://wyke.ac.uk/art-exhibition-2021/

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