June 8, 2023

Meet our Music Students: Joe

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Last week, we caught up with Joe in his first year A Level Music class. Joe impressed us with his excellent cello performance and gave us an insight into passion for Music.What School did you go to?I went to Kelvin Hall School.What subjects do you study at Wyke?My study programme at Wyke consists of A Level Music, A Level Geography and BTEC Applied Science.Tell us a little bit about your interest in Music…I was asked to try out an instrument in Year 3 and I persisted with it and it has now payed off. I have developed a passion for classical music and composers.In addition to this, I always see my teacher as my inspiration, I’d love to be as good as, if not better than them at some point in the future.Why did you decide to study Music at Wyke?I knew that this course would allow me to develop upon my existing knowledge of Music and I was also keen to learn new things. Both of these things will help me to do well in my exams.What do you enjoy the most about your Music lessons?My favourite part about the lessons is the people, the students are friendly and so are the staff which all makes for a great environment for learning.Do you take part in any Music enrichments in your spare time?I’d like to take part in the choir once this starts at Wyke in the New Year.What is your favourite piece of Music/ Artist/ Composer?My favourite composer is Bach and Vivaldi and Mozart. In terms of favourite Music, I like all types of music.Thank you Joe! It is great to hear about your interest in Music and we are excited to follow your journey and see where this takes you.

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