June 8, 2023

Level 3 Results Update

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Level 3 results - Update 2pm Monday 17th August As this is posted, there is still no clarity about how the A level results process will be resolved. However, we would like to share the current details as far as we know them. We recognise that many students have been disadvantaged by the results process and that the uncertainty is worrying for everyone involved. We are committed to do everything we can to ensure that all our students achieve results that are fair. This has included making appeals through the media, working with our local MPs and contributing to the collective effort of the Sixth Form Colleges’ Association to raise the issues at a national level. We will continue to pursue all avenues we can to ensure our students get the grades they deserve.I hope that this message, and the links in it, can answer your queries. We are getting a lot of emails and phone calls at the moment. We will, of course, try to answer all your questions but please do see if the details below give you the details you need before you try to get in touch.We are expecting further announcements later today and we will keep you updated.Thanks for all the kind words of support and do keep raising the issues wherever you can!Paul BrittonPrincipalCentre Assessed Grades (CAGs)It is important to note that the CAGs were not the result of any one member of staff making an isolated judgement, but part of a robust and quality assured process involving curriculum teachers, their leaders and senior leaders. The CAGs were reviewed at both the individual and course level to ensure that we were representing fairly the achievements of each student while being robust and honest.Details of the entire process can be found here: https://wykecollege.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/CurriculumLeaders/ET-RCLL3bFZHk_J09OkzlowBj9UnBVCwtQTZ8ucl88gVkA?e=h7OO37.Please read the document before emailing any queries as it will answer many questions about the process and what options you do have.Results & Appeals We understand that some of you are disappointed with the grades you received last Thursday. As are we. However, it is important to note that, as an individual, you are not able to request an appeal on your grades, unless you fall into one of the two administrative error categories below. As frustrating as it is, you cannot simply appeal because you do not feel that your grades accurately represent your ability.A candidate can:

  • ask their centre to appeal on their behalf to an awarding body if there is evidence that leads a candidate to believe the centre made an error when submitting a centre assessment grade or rank order information
  • an awarding body made a mistake when calculating, assigning or communicating a grade

A candidate cannot:

  • appeal against their centre assessment grades and position in the rank order
  • appeal in respect of the process or procedure used in calculating their centre assessment grades and position in the rank order
  • appeal directly in any respect to the awarding body

The arrangements for awarding qualifications in summer 2020 state that candidates can appeal their grades through their centre if they feel the process this summer was not followed correctly in their case.As a centre, we are appealing all of our awarded grades on several fronts, both locally and nationally and will keep you updated regarding this. Ofqual released information about the ‘mock exam triple lock’ process on Saturday and shortly afterwards it was taken down from their website. We are hoping for clarity and more information next week. If we are able to, we will make appeals for any students where we are able to provide the appropriate evidence base on your behalf. At this stage we do not need you to do anything.Resits You may be considering a resit of the assessments under the triple lock process. Please do give this careful consideration and explore alternative routes that could support your progression onto your next steps. We can and will help with this. The college will be funding the cost of the resits, and you will still have access to moodle/Microsoft teams. Once we have some idea of the number of students who will be taking up these exams, and in which subjects, we will share more details about any other support we can offer.DestinationsThe Pastoral Team have been working closely with students who are holding university offers to ensure they progress on to their next steps as smoothly as possible. So far, we have over 600 students who have been successful in gaining a place at university and we will continue to support any student who is still actively in clearing or waiting to hear about their place. The careers team is also supporting students who are moving on to apprenticeships and/or employment placements. There will be a member of the pastoral team on site every day, so please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns and we will do everything we can to support you. Email office@wyke.ac.uk if you would like some help with your next stepBTEC ResultsWe have now received all BTEC grades from Peason. The team have continually chased BTEC for these and they should now appear on the student/parent portal. Please contact us if this is not the case. All students affected by this have been emailed.We have also emailed universities where students with conditional firm offers had a BTEC qualification as we are unsure of how long it will take Pearson to get the grade to them. This does mean that for all students who have a BTEC grade in, the admissions team have a confirmed email from the college stating the BTEC outcomes from one of us already.

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