June 8, 2023

A Mathematical Genius!

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We loved hearing from former Wyke student Katie Weatherill who achieved exceptional success both at college and beyond, going on to study at one of the best universities in the world. Katie studied at Wyke along with her twin sister Lucy and left in 2018 after two fantastic years on a highly academic study programme along with throwing herself into many enrichments and trip opportunities.What was your study programme at Wyke?I studied Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry.What did you go on to do after Wyke?I am currently studying a Physics degree at The University of Oxford. (Lucy is also at Oxford!)What attracted you to choose Maths +/ Further Maths as part of your study programme at Wyke?Maths is the most important subject for an application for a STEM subject at university but having Further Maths as well makes you stand out, especially for an application to a top university. Taking both courses has been an immense help for my degree which is very mathematical.What did you enjoy most about these two courses?I honestly enjoyed all aspects of the courses.How did the courses compliment each other?Studying both courses means you get a much wider range of maths knowledge and a much better understanding. It's a good challenge and a great opportunity not to be missed.What advice would you give to any upcoming Maths/ Further Maths student?Everything may seem a little bit overwhelming to start off with but keep going, it will all pay off!Finally, what was your favourite memory of college life?I liked all of college life. I thought the college trips were particularly enjoyable. Especially the Physics trip to CERN which was fun and also useful as I was asked about it in 4 of my university interviews!Thank you so much Katie. We look forward to following the rest of your journey and seeing where your degree takes you in the future!If you would like to share your own success with us, please do get in touch at: marketing@wyke.ac.uk

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