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German graduates have exceedingly good prospects at professional-level employment.

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A Level
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German graduates have exceedingly good prospects at professional-level employment.

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Entry Requirements
A Level German requires you to achieve at least the minimum entry requirements for your chosen pathway plus a grade 6 or higher in GCSE German and a grade 5 or higher in GCSE English Language.

A Level German requires you to achieve at least the minimum entry requirements for your chosen pathway plus a grade 6 or higher in GCSE German and a grade 5 or higher in GCSE English Language. The minimum entry requirements will be discussed at open events and at your college interview.


This A Level covers a range of social and cultural topics that relate to the countries where German is spoken, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, festivals & traditions plus reunification and music/fashion and art & architecture, as well as the study of Berlin. It is a diverse course with links to humanities, current affairs and world events. We also offer a residential trip to Berlin which links closely to the topics and the film we study.

You will be using a range of skills to study both these topics and the film Goodbye, Lenin! as well as the play Andorra. As a research project in your second year, you will be able to choose a topic related to a German-speaking country to discuss in your speaking exam. Weekly speaking sessions with a native speaker will help build up your confidence and improve your fluency.

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Register your interest

Wyke Sixth Form College hold train to teach information events which offer you a great insight into this course. If you are interested in attending one of these events, please complete this form and we will be in contact with the key information.

Please note that the applications for this course can be submitted by following the ‘Apply Now’ button on this page. Applications are made through the University of Huddersfield rather than Wyke Sixth Form College. We look forward to meeting with you.

Wyke Sixth Form College hold train to teach information events which offer you a great insight into this course. If you are interested in attending one of these events, please complete this form and we will be in contact with the key information.

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What are the
Next Steps?

German can be combined with a variety of subjects at university – it is not just a subject which leads to jobs in translation, interpreting or education since employees with German skills are highly sought after, especially in the field of manufacturing, engineering and business. Former Wyke students have gone on to study German with Law, Politics, Business and Chinese.

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Course Overview
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summer work

At Wyke Start, our 2-day taster event in July, each of your subjects will set you some work to complete to help prepare you for the course. The work is available to download on

The Wyke Experience

Trips and cultural visits abroad have been offered to language students at Wyke to develop linguistic, cultural and personal skills. We currently offer a visit to Berlin in Germany. All these visits, run by experienced staff, offer a packed programme of cultural, educational and social events. Closer to home, staff arrange for students to attend special Language Days and workshops at Hull, Leeds and York University plus local film and theatre events when the opportunity arises.

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