August 29, 2024

Oxbridge Excellence

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It’s been another successful year for the Wyke Oxbridge Programme, with seven students securing their place at either Oxford or Cambridge. Making it through the rigorous selection programme is a formidable task, with rounds of assessment and interviews concluding with an offer that is at least A*AA.

So, congratulations to the following students. Former Hull Trinity House Academy student Dan Sleight (Biology), former Howden School student Martyna Wojcik (Chemistry), and former South Holderness Academy student Ryan King (Law). Plus two former Cottingham High students Miles Bown (French and Linguistics)and Katerina Rybchenko (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), and two former Kelvin Hall students Jacob Musgrove (Medicine) and Aiya Omed (Human, Social and Political Sciences).

The Wyke Oxbridge enrichment programme is the perfect choice for students who are thinking of applying to Oxford or Cambridge, two of the most prestigious universities in the world. As a college, we have excellent links with both Oxford and Cambridge and organise residential trips, guest speakers, workshops and application/interview support. A minimum of a 3 A Level programme, a genuine passion for your subject and high academic achievement are needed for this enrichment.

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