June 8, 2023

Preparing for College Life - Top Tips

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Hello! As we look forward to welcoming new students into the Wyke community, we have put together our top 5 tips to help you prepare for this exciting journey.

  • Familiarise yourself with the course

Our first piece of advice is to get familiar with your courses by visiting: wyke.ac.uk/courses/ Get a general idea of the modules you will be studying and how you are likely to be assessed.

  • Deeper reading

We would also suggest reading around the areas of your subjects that interest you. Don’t feel pressured to look into anything too complicated but start by watching some YouTube videos, reading news articles and books as a great way to introduce yourself to content.

  • Get an idea of how your subjects apply to everyday life

There are lots of fantastic short courses you can do for free online with Future Learn. This is a great way to understand how your courses fit into society and everyday life.Topics are wide ranging from the History of Royal Fashion to Games Design, Forensic Psychology and Climate Change Solutions, hopefully you can find something you enjoy learning about: Future Learn

  • Explore our enrichment programme

At Wyke, we believe that a rounded Study Programme goes beyond your academic course choices, as gaining great qualifications is just one aspect of your time here.Will you be part of our award-winning Dance Troupe? Or is the Pre-Medical Programme more your thing? Explore the fantastic opportunities available to you at: wyke.ac.uk/student-life/enrichingyoureducation/Have an idea for an enrichment we do not offer? Start your own! Put together a model for a new club/ society to bring with you on your first day.

  • University/ Careers Inspiration

Why not start to pull together a list of careers that take your interest at: nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careersThis can help guide the type of activities and opportunities you take up during your time with us.Remember, Wyke is a stepping-stone to you reaching your ambitions. THINK BIG! You can achieve anything you want; you just have to go for it!

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