June 8, 2023

Year 2/GCSE March Exams (16th – 18th March)

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Next week, all Year 2 A-Level students and GCSE students will be sitting formal internal examinations in the sports hall in preparation for their final exams.Year 2 A-Level and Year 2 Single BTEC qualifications (4 lessons per week) are collapsed all week (16th – 20th March). All Year 2 Double and Triple BTEC course run as normal throughout.GCSE English and Maths teaching will also be collapsed all week (16th – 20th March), however, GCSE Science teaching will restart again on Thursday and Friday and all Level 2 BTEC qualifications run as normal throughout.Students of Fine Art, Graphic Design and Photography: lessons will run normally during this week, as we are already in the final examination prep period. Where a subject exam clashes with a timetabled Visual Arts lesson, the exam must take precedence and time lost to mock exams can be made up in Study periods in Ash 19.

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