June 8, 2023

UPDATED Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak

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COVID-19 UPDATEMonday, 23 MarchThere are a few things to update you on:No college opening from Tuesday 24th MarchWe have now got clear plans in place for all students to work remotely, including those students who are vulnerable or who are the children of critical workers. This means that we will no longer be opening the college site from Tuesday. We are all still working though so do get in touch if you need any help.Monitoring student engagement in remote workingWe are currently working on a system for monitoring student engagement in their remote working tasks. This system will be visible across all staff at college and we will share the marks with students and parents. I will update you when we have the final plans in place. Please do make sure you are engaging in your remote working tasks as we will be chasing up those students who have not managed to do so by the end of the week. Again, if you are having any problems accessing the work or are not sure what to do then get in touch.No feedback on mock exam gradesAs I explained last week all summer assessments have been cancelled. I know this is worrying but we will be working with the exam boards to make sure that you receive the excellent results that you deserve. To that end, I am afraid that we will not be able to feedback on the grades that you were marked as achieving in your recent mock exams. These may well form an important part of the evidence that we submit to the exam boards to justify our proposed grades and we do not want to prejudice the process. In the same way as I asked you not to ask your teachers for predicted grades, please can you also not ask for grades from the mocks, your teachers are not able to give them to you.Here is the current guidance around the cancellation of summer assessments:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-cancellation-of-gcses-as-and-a-levels-in-2020?utm_source=99452a9e-a629-4652-8582-dfe5e510ae87&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediateVocational students should complete their coursesIt is our intention to support all students on vocational qualifications with no external assessment to fully complete their course. Your teachers will be setting assignments in the usual way to ensure all of you complete. There is no reason why you can’t all finish the qualifications as planned.Keep in touch / work hard / look after each otherI recorded a little piece last Friday to share these three key messages. If it is of any use to you it can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSXgmMP3CPII think that’s all for now. Keep safe,Paul Remote working communication:Working remotely will require us to communicate in a different way. There are lots of aspects to this:The main place for updates relating to college closure, the development of the college’s response to the outbreak and any other college wide news will be the college website. This will be reviewed on a daily basis with any updates on by 3pm. These updates will flow from the website through our social media channels.From Friday we will cease to take calls on the main college answer phone. Callers will receive a recorded message that directs them to the following email inboxes:

Contact to individual members of staff will be through email or through the tools in Parent PortalTutors have been issued with college mobile phones so that they can phone home and take calls. These phones should only be used for serious issues related to students, general enquiries should go through the mailbox system outlined above. Wyke Sixth Form College Events and InterviewsDue to the government advice about social distancing and mass gatherings;

  • All Year 11 events have been cancelled. This decision will have no impact on your son/daughters application to the College.
  • All College interviews have been postponed and will be rescheduled as telephone interviews, starting 20 April.

 Remote Access to College ResourcesWe have a range of resources available so that they are able to continue to engage in their studies from home.


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