June 8, 2023

Wyke's Plans for New and Returning Students

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Just in case you missed our two webinars explaining Wyke's plans for the new academic year, here are links to recordings of the two sessions.Following the online presentations, Principal Paul Britton said, "Thanks to all of you who were able to attend, and contribute to our recent webinars explaining the planning that has gone into ensuring that all students can study at Wyke in a safe way this autumn. Here are recordings of the presentations for any of you who would like to check back on specific details or who were unable to attend. Please do treat all the material in the webinar as provisional, we are still waiting for the Department of Education to publish their latest guidance about college opening. We will all need to be flexible throughout this period to ensure that we can continue to deliver great education for all our students through this most unusual time.I’m really looking forward to seeing all very soon and getting back to learning!"Parents of New StudentsParents of Returning Students

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