June 8, 2023

Wyke goes the distance

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On Friday 8th May, 32 members of staff from the college will be running the equivalent of four virtual marathons in order to raise money for the NHS.The runners will be split into four teams to run the 42k marathon distance via a virtual relay event, run in real time. At 9.30am the first runner from each team will run the first 5k. This will be done as part of their daily exercise. As they complete the first leg, they will record their time and then contact the next runner in their team and so on. Each member of the team will run 5k and the final runner will run 7k, logging their time as they do so.If you would like to support our runners and donate to this fantastic cause, you can do so via our JustGiving page which can be found here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/wykerunsamarathonWe wish our runners the very best of luck and on behalf of our runners and Wyke’s staff and students, thank you to all NHS workers.#WeAreWyke

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