June 8, 2023

Winter Exam Series

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Winter Exams: Monday 7th – Friday 18th DecemberThe exam timetables for next week are now populated with individualised details of exam times and seating. Most exams will be based in the Wilson Building classrooms. Students with special arrangements will take their exams in rooms in Oak.Exams are split across two weeks this year and so YR2 exams will take place between 7th – 11th December, the following week YR1 exams will commence from 14th – 18th December.Students can see their timetable on the Student Portal and they should arrive at the appropriate location at no more than 10 minutes before the start of the exam. The official rules and regulations of exams are on the student intranet.Morning exams start at 9:15 AM (to allow for transport issues) and afternoon exams start at 1PM.All visual arts students will also have a session in the art department. These times will be released shortly and your teachers will tell you about it.Exam Timetable: http://vle.wyke.ac.uk/examtimetable/index.phpResults will be returned by our subject teachers in class as part of the student review that starts the first weeks of January.All results will also be released through the Parent Portal in early January and followed up with parental consultation events late January / early February.Winter Exams: Lessons & College ArrangementsRemote lessons for your remote weeks will be running as normal in your non-exam week. Some students on larger BTEC courses will still be in class. Your teachers will tell you about this.Transport will be running as normal throughout this period and the library and catering facilities will also be open as normal throughout the exam period.Students return to college on Tuesday 5th January 2021. YR2 students will be onsite and YR1 students will be working remotely.

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