June 8, 2023

Why we chose to study A Level German

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Here at Wyke, we think learning a new language is a great way to enhance your learning and broaden your horizons.Our Modern Foreign Language department offers A-levels in French, German and Spanish, all with fantastic tutors and support staff.So we sat down with our current year 2 German cohort to discuss the reasons why A Level German was right choice for them.What made you decide to pick A Level German at Wyke?Jenny: “I’ve always enjoyed the subject and Wyke was the only college in my local area that offered German as an A level.”Holly: “German was my favourite subject at GCSE so it made sense to study it at A Level.”Jade: “I really enjoyed the taster sessions at Wyke Start so they are what made me choose it.”What do you like most about studying German?Finn: “I like that there is a mix of different learning methods, so you’re really engaged in class. I really like the variety.”Jade: “The classes are really laid-back and you get lots of support from Heather and Gabi. They’re both so helpful and Heather is lovely and really funny.”Anya: “I really like that the class sizes are small – there are only six of us, so there are plenty of opportunities for one-to-one support.”What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of studying German?Holly: “The small class sizes really enhance your learning. You’ll get plenty of support and one-to-one sessions and everyone is really nice so you’ll make friends quickly.”Anya: “The trip to Berlin means that you get to put your skills to use, so you get to enhance your connections with other people.”Jenny: “I really enjoyed the trip to Berlin too, you learn more than just the language. You get to embrace the culture and history of Germany by visiting memorials and museums.”Jade: “German is easier to learn than you think. I would say work hard and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.”Interested in finding out more?Why not come along to our next Open Morning on Saturday 29th February 9am - 12pm?We look forward to meeting you!

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