June 8, 2023

Updated Guidelines for Accepting 2020 University Offers

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We understand that you, our students have all worked so hard to meet both the academic and personal requirements of the universities you have applied for and we want to clarify the situation regarding university applications.Please do not rush into accepting an offer for a university, you are in control of your application. We are really proud of your efforts to date and our college will continue to support you.

Here are some guidelines, depending on your situation;

If you have already selected you firm/insurance offer then the individual universities will be in contact to clarify their position. Please contact them if you are concerned about anything.If you have not selected your firm/insurance offer then please see the guidance below:If you submitted your application by the UCAS deadline of 15th January then you will receive responses from all of the universities that you applied to by 6th May at the latest. (You may have had all responses back already).

  • If you have not selected you firm or/and insurance offer then you have until 19th May to do so - providing all of the universities you applied to have responded by 31st March.(This information was updated on 25th March)
  • If you are still awaiting a response from a university after 31st March then you have until 4th June to select your firm/insurance choice.

It is vital that you respond by the deadlines listed above or you risk losing your offers. It also means that you have until the 19th May (or 4th June) to respond to your offers. Please do take the time to understand the current situation and the impact it will have on your application.Please continue to check the UCAS website, your emails and liaise with your Progress Tutor. Remember, we are here to help you.

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