June 8, 2023

Sutton Trust Success

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Former Kingswood Academy student, Vinny Crosskill, is one of two Wyke students who have been successful in their Sutton Trust applications. We recently caught up with him to talk all about his amazing achievement.Tell us why you applied for the Sutton Trust?I applied for the Sutton Trust US Programme because I like to challenge myself and get myself out of my comfort zone, which this programme would do because moving to and living in a completely different continent brings a lot of changes and challenges. There are a lot of experiences offered, with a lot more opportunities to study abroad and welcome more cultures into my life to better equip myself for employment. University life is so different at liberal arts colleges, as the professors get to know you as an individual, as classes tend to be no bigger than 20.Where are you hoping to study?Currently, the front runner is the University of Richmond in Virginia, because it offers great international experiences and accounting as a major which, at the moment, is a necessity for me. I researched it for my video interview when I applied for the Sutton Trust, because it intrigued me the most. However, I don't have a concrete choice because there are a lot of amazing institutions which the programme introduces you to. What interested me was the fact that there are 55 US colleges that are ranked higher than Durham University, and the Ivy League is actually a sport league, so I'd recommend to anyone that's applying to come in with an open mind because it's a really eye-opening experience.How did you feel when you found out you'd been accepted?I remember finding out in economics last thing on a Friday and feeling so excited. I felt quite a lot of pride because it's no easy feat, with over a thousand of some of the best students in the country applying to the programme. Out of those, only 150 get accepted and even fewer go onto step two, which is actually applying. The programme aims to educate you as much as possible without pressuring you into a decision, so you can make the choice that's the best fit for you. The programme will also heavily support you in your UK applications. There's a great network of Alums, who help you quite a lot, whether you're in the US or UK. With the cohort, you're a part of 150 great people who become like a tight knit family, especially when you're in America. Cohort members regularly visit one another in the US, which helps a lot with homesickness or any problems you may have.What are your career aspirations?Right now, it's to become a chartered accountant or earn a doctorate in economics. However, the good thing about US institutions is that you can change your major, especially if you're at a liberal arts college, whereas in the UK you'd have to reapply to change your course. Hearing some of the classes that the colleges offer has really made me think about the career path I want to take going forward.Overall, I would definitely recommend applying to the programme because even if you choose not to go to step 2, it's a very educational experience and it teaches you a lot of handy information for applications and CVs. But most importantly, you'll meet friends that you'll be close with for the rest of your life.Thank you for taking the time to talk to us Vinny, we wish you the very best of luck with your future!For more information about the Sutton Trust, please visit suttontrust.com#MakeItHappen

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