June 8, 2023

Subject Support

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Curriculum SupportHaving received their results and feedback from the winter examination period, students are reminded that lots of our subject areas run support/intervention sessions to aid students in their academic development. You can find a full list of the support sessions and their locations available here: Subject Support 2019-20General Study SkillsAdditionally, students wanting to develop their general study skills may wish to attend our study support rooms (Oak 3 and 4) where they will have access to our mentoring service. Our Learning Support and Mentoring Team provide a 6 week rolling programme of key study skills designed to support student success in curriculum areas.Student can attend any of the following group sessions on a Monday or Thursday lunch time (1.10-1.40pm) or self-refer for 1-2-1 support.The sessions will include;

  • Week 1 - Learning Styles
  • Week 2 - Time Management and Organisation
  • Week 3 - Effective Note-Taking Methods
  • Week 4 - Memory Techniques
  • Week 5 - Revision Tips and Techniques
  • Week 6 - Coping with Exam Stress
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