June 8, 2023

Sociology named Centre of Excellence

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Wyke Sixth Form College’s Sociology Department are delighted to be named a ‘Centre of Excellence’ as part of an initiative with the Doncaster New Collaborative Learning Trust.The initiative aims to enhance students' learning by establishing networking links for teachers to share best practice and bring fresh ideas to the classroom.Throughout this half term, our Sociology department are delivering a bespoke CPD training programme for teachers at New College Doncaster, New College Pontefract and New College Bradford.The first session, led by Wyke’s Head of Sociology and Psychology Catherine Eariss and Sociology Teacher Mike Skues took place this week with a focus on Effective Questioning. The session was really well received by staff across the group and helped to facilitate valuable discussions in this area.Excited by the project, Catherine had the following to say; “We are delighted and honoured to be facilitating the development of Sociology teaching across the Doncaster New Collaborative Learning Trust. This is an excellent opportunity to network and share outstanding teaching and learning strategies in Sociology.”Sociology Network Coordinator, Rebecca Prescott-Mail said, "I am thrilled to be working with Wyke College as part of the Sociology Network for teachers across Doncaster. Our first session, led by Catherine and Michael, on Questioning was engaging, informative and full of practical strategies that teachers can use in their classrooms. I can't wait for the next!"Wyke is extremely proud of our Sociology department, not only for their academic success but for the fantastic range of enrichments open to students beyond the classroom including an exciting external lecture programme and a series of fascinating trips.We hope that our contribution to this project will be of great benefit to both staff and young minds.

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