June 8, 2023

Sam Runs to the Moon

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We would like to congratulate Sam Pattinson who is currently topping Wyke’s Strava Lunar Challenge Leaderboard.The challenge launched by AoC Sport last week is asking students and staff to run, walk or cycle 238,855 miles, the equivalent of travelling to the moon.Sam, who is visually impaired, decided to take on the challenge to represent the Additional Learning Support department at the College. “I set out to prove that it is the ability rather than the disability that defines me and others in the department.”The Challenge’s aim is to encourage students and staff to keep active and maintain mental wellbeing during lockdown, something that Sam has enjoyed about the challenge so far. “I have always enjoyed keeping fit and it is a massive part of my life. I have noticed that the Lunar Challenge has had a positive effect on my mental health and well-being.”Well done Sam!If you want to sign up for the Lunar Challenge please contact Kate Clark on Teams for more information.#MakeItHappen

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