June 8, 2023

Results Day 2021

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Record 10 students secure places at Oxbridge: 5 for Oxford / 5 for Cambridge16 MDV placements: 5 for Veterinary Science / 10 for Medicine / 1 for Dentistry185 students secure places at Russell Group universitiesA truly sensational day for students at Wyke Sixth Form College, achieving remarkable results at the end of the most disrupted two years of education in memory. Wyke students have shown remarkable resilience and determination to deliver work at the highest level despite the challenges of repeated lockdowns, remote working and great uncertainty about how they would be assessed. Their sustained effort, supported by our exceptional teaching and pastoral teams, have led to the best outcomes and destinations in Wyke’s history. More students have progressed to the most selective universities than from any other provider in the region with 10 students taking up places at Oxbridge, 16 moving on to courses in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science and a remarkable 185 securing places at Russell Group Universities.With A*s in Criminology and Graphics and an A in Maths, former Baysgarth student Ben Gath has secured his place to study Architecture at Newcastle University. Ben came to Wyke with excellent GCSE grades which enabled him to join our Flyer’s programme, an enrichment group designed to support high achieving students. Ben said: “I’m really happy I got the results I wanted, so I’m ecstatic. I got two A*s and an A, and I needed three Bs to get into Newcastle. I’ve had loads of support from them, telling us about what they’re going to do next year.”Alongside Ben, 184 other Wyke students secured places at world-class, research intensive Russell Group Universities.Former Newland School student, Amy Atkinson, successfully gained her place at the Royal Veterinary College to study the Gateway to Veterinary Science course. Amy opened her results to reveal a B in Geography and Cs in Biology and Chemistry. She said: “I’m so excited, with everything that’s happened this year, there was no certainty in anything, and I was so nervous that I wouldn’t get in.”Whilst at Wyke, former Trinity Academy student Will Huyton got involved with the PE and Sport department’s Pre-Physiotherapy enrichment programme, which is designed to give students an insight into the profession. Will was able to complete a work experience placement with local physiotherapy centre, Flex Health, in February this year. He gained four A*s across all his subjects, including Biology, Maths, Further Maths and PE, which secured his place to study Physiotherapy at Manchester Metropolitan University.This year, Wyke has also seen a record 10 students secure places at Oxbridge including former Withernsea High School student Ruth Chapman. All eyes were on Ruth as she opened her outstanding results of an A* in English Literature, an A* in English Language and an A in History which secured her a place to study Linguistics at The University of Cambridge. Ruth threw herself into all aspects of college life, worked exceptionally hard and was part of Wyke’s Oxbridge Programme.Students on vocational courses have also gained fantastic results. Former Vale Academy student, Madison Friend, has secured a place at Manchester Metropolitan University to study Theatre and Performance. She achieved distinction star in both BTEC Performing Arts and BTEC Music Technology, alongside a C in A level Theatre Studies. Madison’s course has an option of a sandwich year after the second year with an opportunity to go and study in Seoul, South Korea. She said, “I can’t say I’m disappointed about going to study abroad and studying in South Korea is just amazing.”Principal, Paul Britton said:“I couldn’t be prouder of the achievements of our students. They really have shown remarkable resilience and determination over the last two years and fully deserve these exceptional results. No other year group has faced the challenge of working remotely, accessing the technology they need and dealing with the fear and isolation caused by the pandemic. We can be very confident that this year group will go on to achieve great things, they have already shown that nothing will stand in their way.”Mr John Wilson, Chair of the Wyke Sixth Form College Corporation, added:“Once again our students have achieved a fantastic set of results.  I congratulate them for their hard work and wish them well for the future. Thanks must go to all the teaching and support staff for their hard work and dedication.”

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