June 8, 2023

Physics in Focus: Stuart Lyon

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As part of British Science Week, our specialist science, maths and engineering teachers are shining a spotlight on their subjects and why they find them so interesting. First up is Stuart Lyon, one of our fabulous physicists.Why did you decide to become a physics teacher?Learning about physics and the universe has always given me a lot of enjoyment, even from a young age. I wanted to pass on my knowledge and hopefully inspire others to enjoy the subject too.Do you have a favourite equation or theory?Although it's not covered in the A Level Physics specification, my favourite is Schrodinger's wave equation. It is one of the founding principles of Quantum Theory. E=mc2 is good too, we use this a lot in A Level Physics.What advice would you give to upcoming students?Physics becomes much more mathematical beyond GCSE level, so be ready for this. Also, try to keep up with the work, as we progress through the course quite quickly.Who is a physicist you admire and why?There are so many, it's hard to choose. Albert Einstein stands out for me. His imagination, talent and ability to "think outside the box" was incredible.Tell us something about physics that we'd find surprising.Einstein's Theory of Relativity tells us that the faster we travel, the slower we age, the thinner we become and the heavier we get!British Science Week runs from the 5th - 14th March 2021, visit britishscienceweek.org to find out more.#MakeItHappen

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