June 8, 2023

Outstanding Results

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A level pass rate 99.6%491 A* and A gradesBTEC pass rate 100%Top 10% of all Sixth Form providers nationallyWatch highlights of the day on our YouTube channel https://youtu.be/FERDVGW8oFg Students at Wyke Sixth Form College have again achieved outstanding outcomes despite the most challenging of circumstances. Exceptional performance over two years, along with award winning teaching and the best possible facilities, has meant that 99.3% of students have achieved a pass grade at A-level. This includes 371 of the top A* and A grades, and well over half of the cohort achieving A*- B grades.With four A*s in Biology, Maths, Further Maths and Physics, former Trinity Academy student Kieran Robinson secured his place at Cambridge University to study Natural Sciences. Kieran came to Wyke with excellent GCSE grades that enabled him to join our Flyers and Oxbridge groups, two specialist programmes that support high achieving students. Alongside his outstanding academic success, Kieran took full advantage of Wyke's enrichment programme. Over his two years at college, Kieran completed work experience at Reckitt Benckiser, gained a silver award in the British Physics Olympiad and further enhanced his CV with a NCS leadership award.Whilst at Wyke, Rhiannon Heath joined the College’s Pre-medical Programme. After gaining an A* in Chemistry and two As in Biology and Maths, Rhiannon had some useful advice to future medics. Regarding the all-important interview for medical school, she said, “If you’ve got spare time on your timetable, ask your teachers to help you plan and practice your interview. You can’t prepare yourself enough for an interview for medical school, so practice will help reduce your nerves.”Megan Brooks gained a very credible A,B,B but was predicted at least A,A,A. “I’m a bit disappointed and I think I could have got my three A’s if I had taken my exams. I’m just hoping that Leeds University will let me in with these grades.”Despite the failings of the examination system, Wyke students have still progressed onto exceptional destinations. This year a further 4 students have progressed to either Oxford or Cambridge universities, taking our total over the last three years to 12. Similarly we have had over 20 students taking up places on Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary courses over the last three years.Once again our BTEC results were outstanding with the vast majority of students achieving the highest triple distinction grades.Charlotte Lammiman is really pleased with her BTEC triple distinction star in Sport that opens up the door to a sports scholarship at an American university. “I’m going to USA hopefully tonight, if my passport comes back. I’ve never been on a plane before, so it’s all pretty new. I should have originally gone in July but this was postponed due to COVID. It’s all a bit daunting to be honest, but I’m really excited.”Overall, the results maintain Wyke’s position as the best provider of academic courses in the local area and fully justifies the College’s position in the top 10% of all Sixth Form providers nationally.Principal, Paul Britton, said:We are exceptionally proud of the great work that all of our students have put in over the last two years. I am so pleased for those who have got the grades they deserve and we are determined to fight to get all students a fair outcome despite the failings of the system for awarding grades this year. Mr John Wilson, Chair of the Wyke Sixth Form College Corporation, added:"Once again our students have achieved a fantastic set of results. I congratulate them for their hard work and wish them well for the future. Thanks must go to all the teaching and support staff for their hard work and dedication."Paul BrittonPrincipal17 August 2020

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