June 8, 2023

On the Green for England

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Here at Wyke, we love hearing about student success, and that’s why we were excited to learn about former Howden School student Beth Norton’s achievements both inside and outside of college.On campus, second year student Beth is excelling in her studies producing work of a high standard in her full time Extended Diploma in Sport course. Outside of college, Beth is a keen Golfer and is currently a member of the Under 18s England training squad.We caught up with Beth to gain an insight into golfing success so far; “I started at 7 years old with weekly lessons and when I was 10 my coach directed me to the Yorkshire girls training and then everything progressed from that point. I started with highest ladies handicap 36hcp but with lots of dedication, hard work and lots of coaching my handicap is now -4hcp. At the age of 14, I was selected for England U16 Yorkshire training squad and I am currently a squad member for U18 England training squad.Beth’s studies at Wyke compliment her passion for Golf, speaking of this, Beth adds, “My favourite part of my studies is taking part in the practical based units during this sports course. I enjoy learning new skills within the different sports available.My studies here at Wyke have helped increase my passion for golf by improving my knowledge on my body and how it works. This knowledge helps to prevent injury when training, The sports coaching units have helped with different training techniques which has helped with my training plans alongside my England Golf strength and conditioning coach. I have gained more confidence in myself which has motivated me to help with the junior training sessions at my local Golf Club. I have committed to Western Texas College in America for August 2022 to continue improving my knowledge and skills in golf. The studies here at Wyke have helped open my mind to other options available within Golf which will help with my long-term future plans of hopefully turning professional and join LPGA.”Well done Beth. We look forward to following your journey over the next few years and beyond.

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