June 8, 2023

Navigating North Yorkshire

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"Ten of the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award students participated in a ten mile practice walk over the weekend.This took place in the pretty North York Moors with the sunshine raining down and highlighting the beauty of the area. We are so lucky to have this area so close to the college where our students can safely practice their skills of navigation, which are needed for both their practice and qualifying expeditions. Teamwork is one of the mainstays of the Duke of Edinburgh award and these walks allow students the opportunity to get to know each other and form friendships.

Lunch was taken at the top of a hill, which commanded spectacular views around the full three hundred and sixty degrees of the vista. Breaking for lunch allowed our students the chance to talk and take stock of their walk, discussing how they might adapt their kit and techniques for their expeditions.

The final, most welcome, bonus was to arrive at the lay-by where we had parked the minibus and found an ice cream van! On such a hot and sunny day, this was a fitting end."David Pickering

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