June 8, 2023

Meet our Music Students: Heidi

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This week, we had the pleasure of watching one of our very talented first year students Heidi play the Trombone during her A Level Music class. Following on from this, we caught up with Heidi to gain an insight into her passion for the subject.Where did you go to School?I went to The Market Weighton School.What subjects do you study at Wyke?My study programme consists of A Level Music, A Level Photography and BTEC Sport.Tell us a little bit about your interest in Music…My interest in Music started at School. I studied Music from year 5 through to year 10 and have been playing the Trombone for nearly 8 years. I really enjoy the subject and being around like minded people.Why did you decide to study Music here at Wyke?The course will help with my future plans to take Music up as a career and I had advice to follow it through to university. Everyone is here for the same reason and I really like that. (My friend Eli was also coming to study the course)Do you take part in any Music enrichments in your spare time?Yes, I am part of the Jazz Orchestra!What is your favourite piece of Music/ Artist/ Composer?Arthur Pryor – Blue Bells of ScotlandThank you so much Heidi, we really enjoyed watching you perform and can’t wait to follow your Musical journey.

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