June 8, 2023

Meet our Music Students: Dexter

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Last week, we had the pleasure of being invited to watch some of our very talented first year students perform in their A Level Music class. Dexter played the violin and we caught up with him to gain an insight into his passion for music.Where did you go to school?I went to Wolfreton. What subjects do you study at Wyke?I study A Level Music, BTEC Digital Music Production and Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies. Tell us a little bit about your interest in Music...I started playing the violin in Year 3 and have just started jazz piano lessons at Wyke. Both my parents are musicians and my favourite aspect of music is composition and playing as part of a group. Why did you choose to study Music at Wyke?I want to study jazz violin at Leeds College of Music and the music courses at Wyke are a great way to help me achieve this. What is your favourite piece of Music/Artist/Composer?Frank Zappa. What piece did you perform in your A Level Music class?I performed the Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt, accompanied by Mark Keith.Thank you for taking the time to talk to us Dexter, we really enjoyed your performance and are looking forward to seeing you progress with us.

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