June 8, 2023

Meet our Business Students: Daisy

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This week, we caught up with some of our amazing second year Business students.One of these students being Daisy who gave us a fantastic insight into her time on the course and her ambitions for the future. Daisy also provided some great advice for staying on top of remote learning and advice for upcoming year 11 Business students.Full NameDaisy DixonFormer SchoolBaysgarth SchoolStudy ProgrammeI study BTEC Business, A Level Accounting and Applied Law.Do you take part in any enrichment activities at Wyke?In my first year at Wyke my enrichment activities included an EPQ which I did on Sexism in Female Sports. This year, I plan to take part in further enrichments when restrictions are lifted, as I have a keen interest in dance outside of college.Why did you decide to study Business at Wyke?I decided to study Business at Wyke, firstly because I studied GCSE Business at secondary school and found it really interesting. Then, after Wyke Start, I decided to choose Business as I really liked the different unit topics and the way that the course was taught by Wyke teachers.I found my first year really interesting and enjoyed learning the theory behind different businesses and the way they function. My second year has been a bit more challenging with remote learning. However, I have found that the teachers have been very supportive and have helped all students really well throughout remote learning.What is your favorite aspect of studying BTEC Business?My favourite thing about studying Business so far has been the assignment lessons. I enjoy having time to write up my own work and to apply all the theory I have learn into an assignment.I particularly enjoy distinction tasks so I can evaluate different aspects of business and come to my own conclusions.Which modules have you found most interesting?I found the accounting module the most interesting as I also take Accounting at A |Level and hope to become a Chartered Accountant in the future. I find it interesting that different subjects can overlap and link to each other and so this was my favorite module.What are your ambitions for the future?After Wyke I will be starting a Higher Apprenticeship at an Accounting firm, I will be working as an Audit Associate for one of the Big 4.I believe my Business course will help me in this career massively as I have learnt so much about the way organisations similar to the one I will be joining function.Do you have any advice for upcoming Business students?My advice to upcoming Business students would be to stay organised. It is so important to organise your work and assignments, an unorganised folder and memory stick will make it so much harder to meet deadlines and will just cause unnecessary stress.What is your number 1 top tip for remote learning? My number 1 top tip for remote working is to maintain a routine and make sure you’re staying motivated to get assignments handed in and to complete workbooks, it can be hard sometimes but Business teachers always cover well-being in classes which makes you feel much less stressed and at ease with your work.Thank you so much Daisy, we loved hearing about your time at Wyke so far and your plans to join one of the Big 4. We are really excited to follow your journey.

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