June 8, 2023

Media Career for Millie

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Former Winifred Holtby Academy Head Girl Millie is now enjoying the first year of her degree, studying Media at The University of Salford. Over the next three years, Millie will be advancing on topics covered during her A Level course. She will be located at the impressive Salford campus which is partnered with Media City, the home of the BBC and ITV in the North of England.Millie really enjoyed her creative courses at Wyke, especially the practical element of creating a new fashion magazine brand which ultimately inspired her to take this career further.Speaking of her time at Wyke, Millie said: “My love for the subject started with my Media coursework where we made a new fashion brand. It all branched from there, I was really into the Marketing side of this online.I would strongly recommend choosing A Level Media Studies if you are creative like me, the course and the teachers are amazing.”We wish Millie the very best as she continues with her studies.

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