June 8, 2023

Learning Languages

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Here at Wyke, we really believe in the value of learning a second language. Not only does it offer up a wide range of opportunities both for further study and employment, it is a great way to connect with people from all over the world.With the A Level exam season fast approaching, on Wednesday 4th March Wyke teamed up with the language departments at the University of Hull, to give our second year language students the opportunity to practice their speaking abilities.French tutor Nicki Johnstone said: “I organised the day to get students to practise the stimulus card task for the speaking exam in a testing situation. They were speaking to people they don’t know, so they were really out of their comfort zone.“It is great for them to get feedback from uni staff and students who pick out different aspects of their language to work on and often give their own insight into the topics we have studied.”31 students from all three Modern Foreign Language courses (French, German and Spanish) took part in ‘speed dating’ sessions. Wyke students were partnered up with a member of staff or a student and tested on various subjects, ranging from culture to healthcare.Our learners were given lots of helpful feedback and insightful advice about honing their language skills in preparation for their upcoming A Level exams.Students Olivia Laurie and Eugenie Bweziye said: “The event gave me a lot more confidence in my fluency, and all the teachers and staff were really friendly. It was very informative and they made us feel comfortable about speaking. The feedback was useful about grammar in particular”We’d like to say a huge thank you to French teacher Nicki Johnstone for organising such an enriching and informative day.We’d also like to say a massive thank you all staff and students from the University of Hull for their time and expertise.

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