June 8, 2023

Flex Health Work Experience: Will Huyton

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A Level PE student Will Huyton is an aspiring physiotherapist and is participating in the college's Pre-Physiotherapy enrichment programme. He decided to take part in the Flex Health work experience partnership to "...gain a greater insight into the world of physiotherapy, as well as some of the challenges that health care professionals face in everyday life."After the pandemic disrupted his initial work experience placement, Will was finally given the opportunity to experience the profession first-hand by the team at Flex Health in February this year.During his placement, he learned a range of different skills to help him develop his knowledge of the role of a physiotherapist. These skills included the importance of taking an individual approach to each client and how adaptability is key to keeping clients engaged.Will said: "By providing me with experience in this field, I have a good idea of what to expect when I undertake my first placement at university next year. It reassured me that this is the right career path to pursue for myself."Plus, universities love work experience, and in a time like we're in currently, it sets you apart from the crowd in your interviews!"He has certainly done his research about what his future career is going to look like. After graduating university, he hopes to join the NHS for a few years before moving on to possibly join the RAF or British Army as a physiotherapist and help those injured in combat and gaining his master's degree."This work experience has been a small but massively important step for me to achieve these goals. But ultimately, nothing is set in stone and my aspirations may change depending on my experiences; but I will do all it takes to have a long and rewarding career which I enjoy."The little pieces of advice offered to me by the great staff at Flex Health will certainly be taken on board and used in the future."Will has flourished during his time at Wyke and has some encouraging advice for the upcoming cohort of PE & Sport students:"If you're interested in the sporting world, or how the body works in relation to physical activity, it's the course for you. The PE team are easy to speak to, so if you've got any questions, or need anything, they're always willing to help."Without a doubt, it's got to be one of the best departments in the college for both the quality of the content taught and the enjoyment."Thank you for providing such insightful answers Will, we wish you all the best for your future!#MakeItHappen

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