June 8, 2023

Fika, Fitness App with a Twist

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As reported by the World Health Organisation, mental health literacy is a leading predictor of an individual's long-term mental health status.In line with this, Wyke Sixth Form College has recently invested in Fika, a fitness app which focuses on emotional fitness.Students start by choosing a set of exercises, each with a goal such as ‘achieve your goals’ or ‘strengthen your relationships’. The exercises in the app are designed to help users emotionally challenge and push themselves and develop their mental health literacy. Whether that means building on strengths or adapting to circumstances to build emotional resilience.The exercises are all based on techniques that combine elements such as the science of positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy.Students will be introduced to the app in their tutorial sessions from next week and we can’t wait to see the benefits this brings to our students.

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