June 8, 2023

FE Teaching Team of the Year

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Wyke Sixth Form College’s P.E, Sport and Dance Teaching Team have been recognised for their “inspirational work in education” at the 2019 Pearson Teaching Awards.The Team were awarded Gold in the ‘National Team of the Year’ category at last night’s glamorous ceremony, hosted by BBC presenters Tina Daheley and Sean Fletcher.Commended for going “above and beyond,” the Team were praised for the significant amount of hard work they put into the College, well beyond their timetable commitments.The Team are a vital part of Wyke’s success, both inside and outside of the classroom; offering fantastic enrichment opportunities for students including our national award winning dance, rugby and football teams, trips around the world and a high level of dedicated support beyond lessons.Delighted by the news, Principal Paul Britton said:“What fantastic news! The staff and students in Wyke’s Sport, PE and Dance team are deserving winners of the Pearson National Teaching Award for FE team of the year.With literally hundreds of students engaging in sports teams each week we were national semi-finalists in rugby and football, finalists in netball and national champions in dance. In addition to exceptional sporting success, our students achieve consistently in the top 5% in the country for their main qualifications. Perhaps most importantly, the team’s goal is to help all students develop the personal qualities that will ensure that they excel in their future careers.An exceptional team and a great recognition for all their efforts.”The ceremony will be broadcast on BBC2 on Saturday, October 26, as “Britain’s Classroom Heroes”.There is also an opportunity to meet with the Team and find out about Wyke’s exceptional Sport offering at our Open Evening, Thursday 24th October, 5.30pm-8.00pm.

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