June 8, 2023

An Entrepreneurial Spirit: Benjamin Underwood

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As part of National Careers Week 2021, we have been lucky enough to catch up with some of the wonderful members of our Alumni Community.Benjamin Underwood, former student and Owner of the amazing animated video production company Squideo was one of these. Benjamin studied A Levels in Media, Film, Graphic Design and English Language and progressed onto study Broadcast Media at Leeds Met University.Inspired by his passion for video production, creativity and year in Japan, Squideo was brought to life 6 years ago. The company has since achieved outstanding success growing from a one-man band to a highly professional team of ten who work alongside clients all around the world including the FA, Unilever and Barclays - impressive!Benjamin gives us a great insight into his journey, along with providing some valuable advice for students aspiring to a similar career.What is your current position? Owner of Squideo - Animated video companyWhat did you enjoy the most about your subjects?Learning a range of skills that could be of real benefit graphics, editing, filming etc. Having the opportunity to see which one I liked best and finding out which I was strongest in.Did you take part in any enrichment activities at Wyke?Media trip to New York which was EPIC! Made me realise I wanted to do and be something big. What is your favourite memory from your time at College? Shooting and editing this music video: Media Studies Video. What a masterpiece.Please give a little bit of detail about what you progressed onto do after CollegeUniversity course in Broadcast Media at Leeds Met based at Hull College. I had a year in Japan and came back to set up my own animation business 6 years ago. Grown from just myself to a team of 10 working with clients from around the world including the FA, Unilever and Barclays.Tell us a little bit about your current role.I work mainly on developing the business now and managing the team. I do occasionally dip back into production when we get super busy as it’s something I really enjoy. What do you find the most enjoyable about this position? I love creating concepts and ideas as well as learning new creative skills as much as I can. I also enjoy creating opportunities for other people which is something I've been able to do through the business.Has there been a particular highlight for you so far?Not being told what to do is the biggest highlight. It’s nice to go into the office with a great collaborative atmosphere with motivated people.How did your sixth form studies help you in your current role? Helped me through giving me access to the editing suite and equipment. Allowed me to focus my time on doing what i wanted to do with the support i needed around me. Do you have any hobbies or interests in your spare time? I enjoy learning Japanese, Boxing, Weight Lifting and creating other businesses. I always need something to do.Do you have any advice for Wyke students aspiring to a similar career? Don't be afraid to ask questions and get your foot in the door where you can. If you want something bad enough it will happen. Never stop learning and do things for free. Your skills and portfolio are your biggest assets in this industryThanks Benjamin! We are excited to see where your business takes you over the coming years. #MakeItHappen

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