June 8, 2023

Consultation Evenings for Parents

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Consultation Evening DatesThursday 30 January, 4.30 – 7.30pm (Surnames A-F)Thursday 6 February, 4.30 – 7.30pm (Surnames G-O)Wednesday 12 February, 4.30 – 7.30pm (Surnames P-Z)Following December’s end of term exams and assessments, our students have met with their teachers and tutors to review their overall progress and suitable actions. You are always able to see the most recent reviews and progress points on the Parent Portal. Here you can see the progress that your son/daughter has made over the course of the first term of the year, as well as the outcomes from the end of term exam session in December. The most recent progress review information will be released onto Parent Portal on Monday 20th January.We are always happy to discuss student progress with parents and guardians and invite you to come along to our consultation evenings listed above. Your son/daughter can make appointments through Student Portal, or you can make appointments on the Parent Portal in the ‘Contact’ section.We hope that you are able to attend the event but, should you be unavailable, you are welcome to contact your son/daughters Progress Tutor at your convenience, using the contact details below.As far as possible, you will be able to meet with staff at your appointed time, but please bear in mind that sometimes delays are unavoidable when discussions have taken longer than expected. If you feel that you require a more in-depth discussion, then please make alternative arrangements with the member of staff concerned. In particular, if you wish to see your son/daughters Progress Tutor to discuss more general concerns, please contact them directly.Our Principal, Paul Britton, will be giving two talks on each evening about student expectations, the growth mindset and how we can work together as partners to support your son/daughter to be successful. Chris Herring, Assistant Principal (Student Experience) will also be running ‘Parent Portal’ workshops on how to access the Parent Portal and the information that you can access throughout the evening in the Library.

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