June 8, 2023

Christmas Spirit

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This year, Wyke doesn’t have one official Christmas card, it has five!Each year, students are invited to submit their designs for the College’s Christmas card. As the response from the students was fantastic, and the quality high, it was impossible to select just one. From Banksy inspired traditional designs with a post-modern twist, to beautifully illustrated penguins performing amazing feats, everyone has their own favourite.Congratulations to our winning students. Evie Spencer (Penguin with Christmas Tree) Maisie Hart (Bird), Ayah Moudares (Christmas Tree), Leia Tonkin (All I Want), and Isobel Smith (Penguin Bauble).The brief asked the students to create a design that tackles the climate crisis but with a festive/seasonal theme. They were asked to consider how current climate change and environmental issues could be interpreted into the brief, whether it is through the visual imagery produced, a statement or the materials used.The winning students will all receive prizes and their designs will be printed for sale from the Student Executive at £2.50 per pack of five, with proceeds donated to the Student Hardship Fund.

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