June 9, 2023

Aspiring Lawyers

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Recently four of our Law Society students participated in the Inaugural Sixth Form Mock Trial Competition, hosted by the University of Hull Law School.Luke, Eleanor, El and Narcisa took the roles of senior and junior respondents during the moot, dealing with a criminal appeal case in the brand new court room at the university.It was noted by the Dean of the University how well the students had conducted themselves throughout the day and expressed the standard of the moot was very high. A special mention was given to Eleanor Spratt for her confident and convincing presentation to the court.Teacher of Law Faye Sims said: "The students did remarkably well in their first experience of mooting. Their organisation and commitment to the preparations for the moot was very impressive, the presentation of their legal arguments demonstrated fantastic legal understanding and creativity and their delivery of their moot points to the mock court room was exceptional. It was very positive experience for our budding lawyers, the skills from this day will almost certainly be the start of very successful legal careers for our students."A huge congratulations to all those involved.

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